Corporate Social Responsibility

Our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) framework is a key element of our commitment to meet today consumer’s needs and creating a sustainable today for tomorrow’s generations. With this mindset LipoTrue establishes “Building a True Future”, its sustainability approach following the UN Sustainable Development Goals. This approach is built on three essential pillars:

People & Community

Sustainable innovation & production

Environmental Commitment
This approach sets sustainable goals and provides flowcharts and tools for developing innovative products that contribute to a better future, while helping secure a sustainable business growth.

2022 Gold Medal awarded by EcoVadis after rating the company’s sustainability management system and its corporate social responsibility policy. With this result LipoTrue is placed among the Top 2% of evaluated worldwide companies with this recognition
People & Community
By implementing key social responsibility principles, such as transparency respect and care for the people involved in and around the company, it can help ensure the long-term business viability of the company.
The responsibility of LipoTrue as a company for the impact of its activities on society and the environment does not only involve complying with applicable laws or international norms, but also through transparent and ethical behavior contributing to the sustainable growth and development.
By paying close attention to the impact the company has on society and the environment a true sustainability can be achieved. This will ensure an approach that will help society and the environment, and will build a sustainable path for future generations to follow.

Sustainable innovation & production
LipoTrue’s approach regarding sustainability in the manufacturing process can be defined as the products and processes’ design, planning, monitoring and control in this step in such a way that enables LipoTrue to identify and assesses the flow of potential environmental waste with the objective of maximizing resources efficiency and reducing the environmental impact.
LipoTrue provides innovative products of high quality and technological value following the green chemistry principles and inherent safety applied. We base these principles across our technology platforms.
Environmental Commitment
Business activities can have a negative impact on the environment. For this reason, the company is committed to reduce the environmental impact of its business activities by putting in action programs and practices that reduce the use of natural resources and optimize energy efficient products and technologies.
LipoTrue is also involved in the development of a circular economy innovative project intended to optimize resources and reduce waste.
LipoTrue aims to regularly review the Environmental sustainability policy and seek to reduce the Company´s impact every year. The company commits to track, measure and report performance of the implementation of sustainability practices with a commitment of continual improvement.

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